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Web Development Links

Follow all the links you have time for! The general resources have literally everything you need to know - and then some! If you want to get started in a specific area, look for a page within the detailed topics following the general resources. Have tons of fun!

Webmonkey -- Information at this site includes graphics, html, javascript, multimedia, and much, much more. One of my favorites is a javascript tutorial.
Webreference -- Information on most everything you need to know about putting up and maintaining a web site.
Webreview -- Tons of great information on everything you need to know. This page is organized for the new user to find their way around.

Werbach's guide to HTML -- Lists all the elements in HTML 4.0 and all tags in an easy-to-read format
Davesite -- Beginners' tutorial to get started in HTML. Very, very easy to follow. A great starter!
Webmonkey HTML teaching tool -- Another super tool to learn HTML from the ground up.
Webreference HTML -- Great tutorials on lots of HTML topics
Webmonkey's answer to -- "What exactly is DHTML?"
DHTML Zone -- Tons of articles and how-tos for DHTML
Webreference DHTML -- Includes articles and DYNOMAT - automatic script builder. Check it out!

Craig tutorials -- Details on how to create 3D buttons, slice images, mouseover effects, advanced transparent gifs, lighting effect, seamless background using PSP 5 or 6

Webmonkey javascript tutorial -- Very good introduction to javascript with details on how to do image swapping,

For further information or feedback, contact:

Last updated March 7, 2000